News | FVB | 05-08-2022

Permanent Secretary Naghipour visits FVB

Armaghan Naghipour, Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Research and Gender Equality for the State of Berlin, paid a visit to the Forschungsverbund Berlin.

Visit of Armaghan Naghipour, Permanent Secretary for Higher Education, Research and Gender Equality for the State of Berlin | Photo: Dr. Christiane Frank-Rotsch, IKZ

Professor Thomas Schröder, Executive Board Spokesman of FVB and Director of IKZ, and Dr. Nicole Münnich, Managing Director of FVB, presented the Forschungsverbund and some of the institutes’ research highlights at the Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ). Developments in Berlin’s research landscape, such as activities of the Berlin University Alliance and of BR50, the challenging financial situation for science, the importance of science as an economic factor, equal opportunities and diversity were also the subject of discussion. Although FVB is able to impress with the international diversity of its staff, there is still much work to be done on equal opportunities, especially at higher career levels such as Head of Department and Institute Director. Armaghan Naghipour was then given a tour of construction site 511 at the Technology Park Adlershof, where there are plans to build a new sustainable science campus for the IKZ, MBI and PDI institutes and for the Joint Administration. The new construction is a vision – owing to the urgent need for redevelopment of the institute buildings and the demand for a structure suitable for research purposes, the possibilities for realization are being thoroughly explored.


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